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Lab 6 Reflexes Worksheet

Lab 6 Reflexes Worksheet

Q As described on the Background page, reflexes can be categorized as either somatic or autonomic depending on whether they are controlled by the somatic or autonomic nervous systems, respectively. 1. Complete the table to compare and contrast somatic vs. autonomic reflexes. 2. Describe the muscle spindle apparatus. Where is it located and what does it detect? 3. Create a flow chart to map out the steps of the knee jerk reflex. Include the specific stimulus, sensor, neuron types, integrating center, effector (specific muscle!), and response for knee jerk reflex.

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# of neurons involved in motor output? -Somatic reflex :one , autonomic reflex : 2; Name(s) of neurotransmitter(s) used? Somatic reflex :ACh , autonomic reflex: ACh and NE; Targets/effectors? Somatic reflex :Skeletal muscle ., autonomic reflex : Cardiac and smooth muscle .2.Muscle spindles are receptors within the body of a skeletal muscle that primarily detect changes in the length of the muscle . These muscle apparatus convey length information to the central nervous system via afferent nerve fibres . This information can be processed by the brain as proprioceptions. These are cluster of special muscle cells that runs the length of the entire skeletal muscle where the neurons and dendrites responds to stretch. 3. Stimulus ? Sensor ? Afferent path ? Integrating center ? Efferent path ? Effector ? Response Involuntary actions as their name suggests are total opposites of voluntary actions , a reflex action is not under the control of the will . In this case , spinal cord takes total control without own conscious. Reflex actions controlled by the spinal cord example scratching are called spinal reflexes . There are also cranial reflexes example blinking that are controlled by the brain but not by the cerebral cortex . Brushing, sneezing and salivation are also reflex actions . Involuntary reflexes are valuable as they protects us from harmful situations like falls , burns , foreign bodies , ingestions etc. The steps are : Sensory receptors in muscle detect stretch of muscle Sensory neurons conduct action potentials to the spinal cord Sensory neurons synapse with the motor neurons Simulation of the motor neurons causes the muscles to contract and resist it to being stretched Flexor muscles contracts .